Software Demo Training

Contact Us to Discuss your Requirements

Do you need to improve your software demos?

–A great software demonstration can make the difference between winning and losing a sale.

We show you how to wow prospects with the unique benefits of your software by customizing our training to your products, technology and market. Custom training ensures that when you leave this class you will have the skills and knowledge you need to create and deliver demos that compel your prospects to buy.

To be competitive, most software products become increasingly complex over time. The challenge in a software demo is to cover the prospect’s issues without boring them with unnecessary detail.

Who this program is for

This workshop is designed to help anyone who is responsible for software demos to improve their skills, including:

  • Sales Engineers
  • Consulting Engineers
  • Development Engineers
  • Support Engineers
  • Sales People
  • Scientists
  • Partners
  • Technical Managers
  • Technical Marketing Professionals

If you are interested in learning more or scheduling training or coaching, please call us on” 800-421-5824 or send us a message.

How is the training delivered

To make it easy for you and your team to work with us we provide training in any of the following ways:

  • With engaging, self-paced eLearning with optional live meetings and coaching.
  • Live via the web
  • On-site at your facility
  • Here in the Boston area (both open attendance and client specific classes)
  • As custom training content that you or your internal L&D team can use to train your staff.

(We also provide coaching services on request)

How long is the class

The length of the class depends on your needs (determined by a pre-training assessment) and the time you have available for training. We can work to accommodate your schedule but the time required is typically 1 to 2 days.

What topics do you cover

We cover the following core topics in every session, with additional items added depending on your unique needs:

  • How to do Pre-demo research – We explain what types of  information you need to create and deliver a winning demo. What points should you cover in the demo and what should you avoid. We use our proven “Demo Discovery Form” as a tool to help you capture the data you need fast.
  • How to create a compelling opening – The demo opening is crucial to gaining and keeping your prospects trust, respect and attention. We show you how to master it.
  • Creating a demo story that is memorable and effective – We show you how to craft a demo story that is easy for the prospect to understand and remember. The focus is on making sure that they retain all your key points after the demo. We also provide tools to help you make each demo segment as concise, relevant and compelling as possible.
  • Creating a safe and effective demo path – We show you how to show off you product in a short, yet effective way,  while avoiding crashes and errors.
  • Creating a strong close – We show you how to use the demo to “close” for the next step in the sales process.
  • Doing in-demo discovery – We show you how to get the information you to craft and deliver value messages for each demo segment.
  • Keeping the demo concise – We give you highly effective tools to make sure you cover exactly and only what is important at the right level of detail.
  • Keeping it Engaging – We show you techniques like visual aids and storytelling , and how to plan for engagement throughout your demo
  • Handling questions and objections – Excel at dealing with questions and objections – Tools and skills to help you in any real-world customer situation.
  • Audience connection skills – How to make your demonstration a conversation that leads to the win
  • A proven demo structure – A structured open, body and close to keep your demo on track.

To be sure that the material sticks, class members will get plenty of time to practice what they have learned.  We also provide a road-map of activities for continuous improvement after the class is over.