by admin 

Demo Tip #1: Know your Audience


If there’s one thing that can make or break a demo–it’s not knowing your audience!

Not knowing your audience means that you have no idea what matters to them AND no idea what problems that they want you to help them solve.

Without this crucial information, you have no choice but to give your “standard” demo. You know the one. It’s the 2 hour marathon that covers every menu and feature.

The result, the prospect falls asleep or worse yet they think your product is incredibility complex and have no idea why they would ever want it!

So what can you do to deal with this common problem? Here’s 4 tips:

1) Get sales to do a demo form with typical information about what the customer wants and does not want to see. For an example, take a look at the demo form that we use in our demo training workshops.

2) Ask to speak with the prospect before the demo. This can be done over the phone or in person. The key is to be sure that you know what to cover before you start the demo.

3) Do some research on the company. Check out their web site, read their latest press and news releases.

4) Begin the demo with a question. If you have to do a demo and you have not had a chance to learn about your prospects needs, at least open the demo by asking them to recap their interests before you start. Prospects appreciate this since you are showing interest in their unique issues.

So next time you are preparing a demo, be sure that the first thing you do is find out what they want to see.

Happy Demos


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