by admin 

Demo Tip #4: Are your Demos Better than Nyquil?


If your demos are not safe to view when operating heavy machinery–you just might want to read this post!

Here’s four tips to help spice up your demos next time out.

Only cover what they care about.

Know exactly what your prospect cares about and wants to see. If you only cover what they care about, interest is built in!

Easy on the company slides

Don’t let sales do 30 slides on how great the company is and all the awards they have won.

No one cares. They need to see a couple of slides to prove that your company is viable, will be around for the long haul, and has some customers like them.

Anything more than that says: ” Your eyes are getting very heavy…”

Use their names

Use peoples names.

If the audience hears you ask a question of someone by name, they are more likely to pay attention since you might call on them too. This technique works especially well for web demos.

Add some humor

Use a little situational humor. Here are a couple of examples:

As sales is on the 5th of 5 slides, say with an exaggerated tone: “I’m really sorry to have to say this to those of you that love long presentations, but this is our last slide!”

Or, if the prospect asks a particularity tough question, and it is clear to everyone that it is a thorny issue,  smile and say: ” I’m really, really glad you asked that!” then answer the question.

Sounds simple, and it is, but it also works; try it.

Happy Demos


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