by admin 

Demo Tip # 6 Use the Ruthless Filter to Rightsize your Demos


So, you’ve crafted an opening, a body and close for your demo.

You think it is pretty succinct and to the point, but how can you tell for sure? This is something that I always cover when I teach my Winning Demo Method Class.

Use the RUTHLESS Filter!

What the heck is a RUTHLESS Filter, you ask?

It works like this.

Once you have created a specific demo for your customer, as you practice it ask yourself this simple question for each topic that you cover:

Will the customer think: so what  or will they think show me more?

This simple test guarantees that your demo will never make your product look overly complex because you covered something that your customer did not care about.

Also, your customer will never get bored waiting for the things they care about to be covered and you will never run out of time before you cover the important stuff.

Try this on your next demonstration and let me know in the comments section how it worked for you.

Good Selling!

About the author 


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